Round And Around ...

Sorry to be a misery tonight but this is all I could be bothered with, I am uninspired today.

I am in quite alot of pain today, I really ache all over it must have been my day out at London yesterday catching up on me today.

My left knee keeps getting sharp pains in it and I feel like I have been working on the land for days with no rest as I ache all over that much, I am so tired and upset.

New day tomorrow.

Thankyou all for measuring yourselves yesterday, you were all great, I didnt see anyone with as long of arms as mine Thankfully.

I knew you were all great people but I didnt realise that many would have take part.

Thankyou all Tracey xxx

Have a great weekend all, enjoy ...

BTW this is just a swilry thingy I have and I took a photograph of it against the light

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