
By MumOf4Wildlings


Thankfully the smallest wildling has been peeing, but what a hard time he has had last night.

I decided to give him literally 10ml of formula for a wee top up to get more fluid into him and it looks like he's exactly like the biggest wildling. He had such a sore tummy and screamed in pain most of the night, didn't stop pooing and his trapped wind sounded like man burps.
Mr R managed to get some sleep from half 1 in the morning until 4am and that was it. I managed to go to bed at nearly 5am for a hour and half and that was it. Baby cried and just kept latching on from 9pm last night.

Both my bigger boy's had dairy allergies, the biggest was the worst and even having a drop of formula resulted in him passing blood.
I will have to go dairy free again completely so that the youngest doesn't get it through my milk. He's had such a unsettled day and only now has he had a proper nap, more than half hour.

At least the bigger boy's slept through the whole night. But the rest of us are exhausted.

Thank you to you all for your wishes yesterday and lovely comments regarding the smallest. Xx

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