And relax...............

for a bit anyway....

Out of the blue my best mate sent me a song via email today. How wonderful. She's a proper Lancashire lass who I met when we studied Psychology together in Leyland. She lives in the London area now geographical precision not being my strong point and I don't see her enough. last time I saw her I met her lovely son, then I got locked in a bathroom and then we went to a pub to see Jonny and Lucy who are a fave folk band of mine.

I met her because I left high school and decided the best thing for me was to go to a college where no one knew me. It took me a while to make friends as I am very shy and quiet "withdrawn" apparently BUT with my friends and people I know well I am an interuptive chatterbox. It was all a bit scary at moving to college but it was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Sometimes when we get older we forget the benefits of taking informed, instinctive life risks.......

Oh and before I forget- that track :-)

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