
By AnnieBScotland

man in motion

good day, long day!! just getting this in at 11.30pm.
early rise as Katie had to leave home at 6.15am. when I checked the flight arrivals I found that G's flight was getting in an hour early, so I had to dash out at 7am and got to Heathrow at 8.40am, just 15 mins before she came out. Got her to her hotel and settled in, then headed off to the Natural History Museum to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition, with a free ticket courtesy of a kind blipper, thanks Andy! This is a stunning set of the best 100 wildlife and related photos you are ever likely to see, and I would urge anyone who can get to it, to go.

I was quite drained after that, but headed back towards the river, and spent a pleasant if chilly time snapping, including this one of a tightrope walking busker. a possible for the weekly challenge, 'motion'.

Found the restaurant I was meeting Katie and her friends in - only cost me the price of a Big Issue for directions - and a pleasant dinner followed by 'Sleeping Beauty' at the English National Ballet. Very traditional ballet, good but we were exhausted by the time we got back here at 11pm. eat your heart out weedave!!!

no time for comments, need some sleep, will try and catch up in the morning.

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