creative lenna

By creativelenna

dance with me

move as you want
slow or fast -your body's way.
just move.
seek pleasure in your movement
avoid pain.
listen to your body
love it
take care of it.
feel the sand inbetween your toes
breathe in deeply
then let it go! free your mind.
connect . . . respond . . . feel joy
(and love).

I worked on creating an Animoto video today with more of the Nia class photos I took today. I dance and then I grab my camera, then dance again! It's very short - 2 minutes long - you'll find it here :)

Creativity is the ability to look sideways at a problem. A creative person is one who enjoys, above all else, the company of his own mind.
~ Denise Shekerjian, Uncommon Genius

(quote was chosen randomly!)

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