Party for Bec

Today I took the kids to the movies so Bec could so some sorting after yesterday's move.
It's her birthday so we got a cake and her brother and his family were there too.

The fire app wasn't suggesting any change in conditions so I wasn't rushing home till I got a message from Karen saying she had just seen the Blackheath fires on TV and was I OK? That got me moving! 
The highway was also predicted to close so I made a very quick trip to the supermarket in case we get stranded.
We then spent an hour or so doing checking the gutters and hoses and raking up all those lovely dead leaves I'd left around for mulch.

The smoke is the worst it's been but it's otherwise calm so far. 
The planned back burn along the Northern Strategic Line that they were going to do tonight has been cancelled. I'm not sure if that's good or bad news. I think I'd rather they were doing it. 

We popped over to the information session at the fire shed. Conditions for tomorrow are officially deemed "catastrophic" and we have been urged not to be complacent and either leave early or plan to stay and defend if mentally and physically prepared.

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