Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


Great day at work today. I spent the last week thinking about the direction we could take, and starting writing plans. And then decided it was all wrong. We collectively need to drive the vision of the company, and so I introduced a concept today to our team leaders, with an outline of the process I think we need to take. It centres around what, how, and why. We all know what and how we do things, but less about "why". We're starting with defining the why, and then working backwards to the rest. I'm pretty excited by it.

Also pretty excited by adding 8GB of new memory/RAM to my home machine. It's a late model i5 chip, but is so slow at times, especially with images. I'm now up to 12GB, hoping it will be faster ...

Haven't pushed it yet, but lets hope so. Although, with a total investment of $90 for the upgrade, it was rather affordable!

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