Photographer Phil

No early morning fishing trip this morning. A trip to Kaitaia for Jacqui and Phil as Whiskey had hurt her tail. So a slightly relaxed start, piper netting up first for bait, Caught abut 60. Then onto the boat with the boys and out fishing.

First drop in 20 metres, a lovely kingie on a soft bait. Escaped at the boat. Second drop on a soft bait, a huge snapper, prob close to 15lbsm, but it wasn't traced exactly right, and it was broken off. Bugger. But a few more fish were caught and it was all good fun.

It was the girls trip in the afternoon, but sadly the wind came up, so off to the beach body surfing we went. Fun! And while there we watched a couple pull in their electric contiki. 2km of line, toed out by a GPS guided "torpedo", 25 hooks set for an hour, The caught 7 snapper. Rig cost - $5500!

Home, and with the wind up the Hobie Cat was launched and absolutely rocketing. Superb.

And then the wind started dropping off and we had a fab sunset. Here's Phil catching a few of the last rays.

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