Christmas Craziness

A full first half of the morning, collecting little gifts for Asha's friends (pics of them all together in keyring...and Nate's were pics of the Momo kids on fridge magnets) and then trying to come up with a plan for Christmas Day and work out how we delegate what...
Then we and Nate headed to Asha's school for 11,30 for the annual Chocolatada...cake and hot chocolate...lovely!
Danny brought Asha, Nate, Victor and Amanda home and I walked back (not enough space in the car!)...we made and decorated gingerbread. It felt a bit less chaotic than the gingerbread making on Wednesday!!
Now enjoying a bit of peace with a movie on the TV and me backblipping...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The family feel today at Asha's school.
2) Victor being so kind to Nate.
3) A tidy kitchen.

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