Red sky at night

A day of keeping an eye on the news from Gatwick - looks like my sister and family won't be arriving tomorrow...all feeling a bit gutted. 
Also a day of getting the flat ready for whenever they do come if they do, parents evening for Asha (all good!!), buying stuff in preparation for the Christmas Day meal etc etc.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This gorgeous sky as we walked home from Parent's evening...a terrible pic, but gorgeous surprise as we stepped out to come back.
2) Amanda walking by at the perfect time to help me move loads of stuff up to the flat. Cally had kindly brought over high chair, cot, 3x duvets, plastic plates, blow up bed etc, for family to borrow. Grateful to Cally for ferrying all these things over too.
3) Danny's friend buying a load of sleeping bags and long johns to give out to homeless guys.

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