Last day!!!

A full on day...the great news is my sister and family made it out of Gatwick before they shut it again! They were delayed but got to Barcelona...missed their connection and new flight was delayed too...but they're currently in the air winging their way to Ibiza...and epic day for them.
So my day has been cleaning and preparing, making a cake for Asha's Chocolatada (hot chocolate and cake to celebrate the end of term) & listening to Asha's school sing Christmas songs. I also met the mom of one of the new girls in Asha's class...they moved here from Venezuela 2 months ago and according to her I'm the first friend she's made. She says she's horribly homesick and crying all the time, but her daughter has no future there so they've moved here for her. I felt so sad for her... We've agreed to meet up in the holidays.
Nearly 10pm and waiting for Han and co to land - they left at 6 this morning!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting Arlesiu.
2) Asha's school friends being SO kind to Nate! Crowding round him and playing with him...I was surprised 7 year old boys were so bothered by a little toddler.
3) My sister and co making it here...super super grateful...

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