Silver Band Christmas Concert

Friday 20th December 2019

 I was awake bright and early this morning (perhaps due to slaying the monster yesterday?) and awaited a text from my friend to see if the weather was good enough to play golf. It was, but she had gone down with a bad cold so golf was off. 

Never mind, with renewed energy I had a productive day. 
1) All the ironing was done by 10am

2) A bit of tidying

3) An hour on the phone arguing with Dell over the piece of software I had bought with my new laptop to "make the transfer from the old laptop in one easy move". I haven't been able to even load it on the old laptop and software support haven't answered the phone in the last ten days. I can't believe how many times they transferred me backwards and forwards through different departments today. Eventually I got someone who saw sense and agreed to refund the £26 to try and keep a frustrated customer happy.   

4) I tackled another work admin item that had grown into a small monster. Defeated 85% of it. If I can manage the other 15% on Monday I will be very happy and can fully relax over Christmas. 

5) Whilst doing number 4, and after, I started the process of manually installing all software and settings on the new computer. It would have been complete by now if I had used the time it has taken over the last two weeks to try and get the "easy" software running!

After a full day I went out to the silver band Christmas Concert. What a fabulous evening of all Christmas music, a wonderful start to the weekend and the run up to Christmas itself.  

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