Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Running common tree

Thursday? Last Thursday 5 a side of the year. Featured two players who were injured and would stay in goal. Yeah right. They were both on pitch after 10 minutes.
Followed by publishing the stats.
Anton has the best winning percentage.
Dave and I shared the most games.
As a consequence, and despite very similar records, I had the most wins and Dave had the most losses!
Baby brother was the nearest to 50% - AKA most mediocre.

Quick stop off for the team drinks in the evening before picking C up.

Friday? Not enough players for football so went out for a run with Brexit Dave and Glen. BD is going to get blamed for everything that happens in the next 5 years.
Picked M up yesterday and out for a chatty 10k with him today...

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