My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Biomedical Scientist in training

Part of Aaron's science homework was to design a poster to promote a scientific career...easy I'd say!

After a bit of convincing that Louisa and me working in a lab gave him an easy option he came to visit the lab and interview me after work today.

What do you do?
- Test blood, urine and other fluids to see what's in them and help doctors diagnose and treat patients.
How many samples do you do?
- around 1500 each in haematology and biochemistry.
What qualifications do you need?
- 'A' levels, degree, registration portfolio just to get started.
How often do you work?
- 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (not personally)
What skills do you need?
- Attention to detail, flexibility, problem solving
Can I touch things and take some photos?
- As long as you wear the right protection......

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