Distant Dream

Our Dutch friends gave us this birdhouse; Zwannie had painted and decorated it herself. "The Dream" refers to our dream of one day moving into the pigsty at the top of the Land, once it's been made into a house; still feels like a very distant dream. We've put it in a holm oak next to the swing, so kids can see it from there; now, just need a homeless bird...

- Mike, as well as the birdhouse, putting up a solar-powered, movement sensor outdoor light, so we can see the keyhole in the dark
- our Blip friends booking to come see us - for the fifth time, I think! Just love having them, relaxed about conditions, up for anything, and great, enriching, conversations. Plus, we can all sit happily Blipping together in the evenings...
- mince pies. I made another batch, much easier this time, as both mincemeat and pastry were made, and didn't matter how they turned out - so, of course, they turned out great

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