Piebald deer

One of ER's top tricks for making it through Christmas:  reset expectations to something attainable. Many people have visions of Christmas as filled with pure joy, 18 family members, all getting along; an abundance of food, all cooked by women, all ready at the same time, all delicious; a treasure trove of presents, all of them exactly what you want. Maybe 2% of Christmases are like that. 

Coincidentally, 2% of deer are piebald and I just happened to see one today. Fortunately for me, I had on a longer lens. 

It isn't a fancy lens, it is plastic and doesn't have an aperture ring, but it goes from 50-230mm for a crop sensor camera, so 75-315mm full frame equivalent, but it doesn't hurt my neck. I got it as part of the kit. I'm hoping to use it at the wedding next October and wanted to test if it was sharp enough. It wasn't yesterday, but I thought to try it without the cheap CPL filter and it looks, to me, like with larger subjects and without the cheap filter it is fine. (Tell me if you disagree.) 

In some states it is illegal to kill piebald or albino deer but not in mine. Some superstitions say you'll be cursed with bad luck though. 

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