Colour Splat

The journey to Bristol was problematic today for Annie taking her over 3 hours. Some beautiful misty light and frosty trees on the way - why don't motorways have photo-stop platforms?

My (Chris) plans for the day involved getting the car to the garage for an MOT first thing prior to work. Unfortunately the car had different ideas (well at least its battery did). Eventually it fired up and somewhat later than expected the car was delivered. Thankfully it was a first time pass of the MOT.

A very chilly run out with the club tonight, hadn't deterred the keen bunch though and 5.5 miles were rapidly covered. The car said -3C, brrrr.

Tonight's blip, taken by Annie, was a bit of fun with coloured lights and the Lensbaby with creative aperture discs. Just the thing for a chilly evening.

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