Hiding in the book store

Another rainy, cold day. I'm starting to sound like a broken record. I am thinking the sun has decided it's too much trouble to get up in the morning. I know the feeling :-( There is some promise of sunshine on Friday...we'll see.
I decided to go someplace bright and warm that smelled good! So off to Barnes and Noble I went. I love it there.
Barnes & Noble originated in Illinois way back in 1873. A guy by the name Charles Barnes opened a book-printing business there in Wheaton, Illinois.
Barnes' son William partnered with G. Noble in 1917 to open their first bookstore in New York City. Now they are all over the place.
Of course one of the reasons I love it there is that since 1993 the stores feature café's that serve Starbucks. Which is why it smells so good! I got myself some Starbucks, grabbed some books and magazines and sat down and enjoyed the peace and quiet.
I took this blip of the outside of the building from across the parking lot...in the rain :-(

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