New Zealand Scaup

Scientific name: Aytha novaeseelandiae
Common name: New Zealand Scaup
Maori name: Papango

Sociable birds, non-agressive in behaviour and relatively approachable. Scaup are easily distinguished from other ducks by their squat, dark, glossy bodies and the males have little bright yellow eyes, while the females are a modest, generally brown colour, including their button-brown eyes. Calls are usually soft, musical chittering sounds and a series of muted whistles from males.

Widespread on larger lakes in the North Island and South Island, they are endemic to New Zealand and my favourites.

Raining today - jump out the car, compose, shoot and back to the car, all done in a jiffy.

Many thanks for yesterdays Little Shag, they are quite small, often seen with their wings spread as they dry in the sun.

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