
By TexMama

Reflected Sunset

Boy-room cleaning this week! yup, it takes all week....oh dear...well, we only get to it after school and we're "spring cleaning" after I discovered several tons a bunch of rubbish under the bunk-beds over the weekend - eeuuww! It is long overdue, they clean up if I threaten to do it myself, but they're boys so that usually means "push everything under the bed or into the closet and make the middle of the floor look good"...their dust bunnies look more like mammoths, it's quite scary, but I have my blue science gloves on so Im good :0) I feel like the people from Hoarders (TV series).

Took a break to cook dinner - party animal aren't I? and caught sight of the sunset reflected on the trees so I popped outside to get a few shots, and managed to get back in before I burned anything - yay me! ;0)

Will try to catch up on comments for the last few days tonight.

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