The title relates to the lens I slapped on the camera this morning.
An old mirror lens - manual and no image stabilisation. It doesn't half wobble.
So most of the pictures I took have turned out as 'abstract' - done deliberately and some due to a touch of wobble. There is ice, reeds, light reflections, tree lights, an ear (not mine), a wall topper and a wee bit of honesty thrown in over HERE.

New boots have been purchased for next years dog walking adventures and a couple of SWMBO's bank cards cancelled - thank you very much you hacking, thieving barstards ….. not!  But a true Thank You to the bank staff that picked things up and contacted her virtually straight away.

Thank You also goes to everyone in Blipland who has looked and commented on my drivel over the last year (the last 11 years actually).

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