Another two more balls lost!

Today I took my ball & thrower to the park because Ann wanted to make me run lots so that I got tired out. Playing with a ball is my most favourite game in the world. However, after about 10 mins guess what happened?.......................... I got a bit hot and tired so I went into the burn for a bit of a cool down, opened my mouth, the ball fell out and went sailing off down the burn.

To say Ann was angry with me was an understatement. The ball actually got caught up in some undergrowth a few yards downstream but would I go and get it? I would not! So for the next 10 mins she ranted and raved at me saying what an irresponsible little collie I was. And she went on and on and on and on about how 'MollyCollie' would never have been so careless with her toys. Sometimes I get a bit fed up hearing how perfect MollyCollie was. She kept saying such things as, 'Do you think money grows on trees and do you think if you deliberately lose your ball I'm just going to produce another one for you to play with'. Well, I'm a dog so how do I know where money comes from? And yes I do think that if I lose a ball Ann will just give me another one to play with because I know that I've got at least 5 more balls at home!

Anyway the park was pretty busy and everyone was laughing at Ann telling me off, and lots of people said that I was the cutest little dog ever and that dropping the ball in the burn was just what dogs do?!

And then guess what happened?........................ I spotted a little Fox Terrier playing with a ball so I zoomed over to him because I thought I might steal it. All of a sudden his owner started shouting, 'It's Trixie isn't it. I've got a present for her'. And she gave me a purple ball. YAY! Turns out I'd stolen a ball off the Fox Terrier a couple of days ago and I'd dropped it in the burn cos that's what I do with balls when I get tired. Ann had been so angry with me that she'd given the Fox Terrier one of my squeaky balls but then his owner had found the original ball. Are you still keeping up? Apparently they'd tired to catch up with us to give us the squeaky ball back but we were too far away. And then today they found a purple ball. So when Fox Terriers owner heard Ann ranting & raving at me she said she had a spare ball I could have. How nice was that?

I got to play with the purple ball for about half an hour until Ann said, 'Trixie, you can have three more throws and then we have to go.' Unfortunately I was really tired by then and what I do when I'm tired is................... I go into the undergrowth for a bit of a rest because we were too far away for me to have a cool down in the burn by then. The first couple of times Ann managed to retrieve the ball and throw it for me but the third time I went deep into the undergrowth and wouldn't come out. Ann got angry with me AGAIN! She said, 'Trixie, I'm going home. You can do what you want.' And then she walked off!

Obviously I didn't want to be left in the undergrowth forever so I had to go chasing after her, but unfortunately I left my purple ball behind.

…................And that's why I ended up losing two balls this afternoon!!!

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