Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

The Devil Hates Me

I know why it doesn't rain in Australia any more. Honest. I've worked it out. Once upon a time I used to wash my car a lot, see? Alas, after every wash and spruce up, I could rely on the elements to pour forth ... without fail. Down it'd come, watering the plants, moistening the forests, filling the dams and covering my hitherto sparkling car with grungy spots of dirt. Every time. Worked like a charm.

Is it any wonder why a fella might see the error of his ways, avoid frustration, save a lot of bother and just not clean the filthy bomb in the first place?

Recently I had begun to realise that single handedly I may have become the master agent for climate change in this country. I wasn't washing the car any more. It doesn't rain any more. Ah ha. Could there be a connection? Surely not.

Anyway, yesterday morning (seeing as how the world started out looking so bright and cheery) I decided to wash the car to remove the potentially corrosive fine layer of smoky ash that had accumulated upon it. I popped down to the commercial car wash bays at Lithgow (where water restrictions don't apply) and did the deed. My goodness - the vehicle looked sharp.

Some hours later,  I emerged from my home to discover that it actually had rained  in the meanwhile. The first hint of precipitation in a month. Oh glory!!! Couldn't see any water on the ground. Couldn't see any water on the leaves. All I COULD see were the rapidly evaporating droplets of water on my car's glistening paint, each having deposited A GENEROUS GRUNGY SPOT OF SMOKY DIRT. Wha!!!! I hadn't HEARD it rain. Hadn't SEEN it rain. Near as I can figure we must have received approximately 3000 droplets ... all of them on my vehicle.

Needless to say, I have become a believer. I have seen the light. Me washing my car DOES cause rain ... even if it may barely be enough to ruin the shine. Thing is, if I wash my car, every hour, ON the hour, maybe .. just MAYBE I can work up the elements into a decent shower or two. What do ya reckon? This pic was shot this morning just before I wiped the car over with a bucket of clear water and a chamois. I am looking to the heavens in joyful anticipation. 

Oh ... and happy New Year everyone. 

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