Hobbs's Run

By hobbs


Well I have had a good break and I DO feel like blipping again. I had honestly wanted to re-emerge a little earlier than this but the realities of the accursed 2020 were such that making a fresh start before it had ended didn't seem practical to be honest. In any event, kicking off without a cup of coffee (for me at least) has never been the way to go. Anyway, coffee done. Better get on with it.

A few weeks ago there was nary a case of COVID-19 in Australia. But you can never be certain of beating this thing while thousands of people (mostly hitherto exiled Australians) keep flooding back into the country. It just takes a stayover air crew in self isolation to sneak out for a moment or a quarantine worker to make a slip up and ... guess what.  

Anyway I think there were three new cases in NSW today, five in Victoria and maybe one or two in SA. People keep moving about but contact tracing is in top gear and the numbers are falling again. State borders have slammed shut and lockdown regulations are in place for hotspots. The public has been marvellous it seems, but gee .... there ain't much complacency anymore.

A locum pharmacist from Sydney spent two days at a local Katoomba business this week - 26th and 27th - before testing positive. I innocently waltzed into the joint after a tube of skin cream on the 27th. So Norma and I spent three hours getting a test yesterday. Fortunately negative.

And so 2020 lingers on after a fashion but I refuse to be  anything other than optimistic. Happy new year to you all.


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