Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Today was a day of endings and beginnings.

Well, a beginning: of 2020.

And an ending, of a major part of my life. That sounds a bit grim, but isn't really. Some forty years ago I saw Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Ever since, I have been a huge Star Wars geek. I thought it wonderful when I learned that Lucas intended to do episodes IV, V, and VI, then I, II, III, then finally VII, VIII, and end with IX. So much to look forward to.

Then blimmin' some producer person or suchlike (Rick somebody?) said no that was never the plan, these three films will be all. I was crushed. 

Then came the special editions - I saw Star Wars in a cinema again. It was amazing.

Then ... talk of episodes I, II, III. But still there was said to be no chance of VII, VIII, IX; that original plan seemed to have been retconned.

Then, many years later, Disney jumped in, bought Star Wars, and decided to go ahead and make episodes VII, VIII, and IX. 


Happy happy day.

The Rise of Skywalker. We watched it today.


I waited *forty years* for this movie... I was not disappointed. Wanted to watch it again immediately.

Real emotional wrench for me though: the ninth film of the saga. The end (at least of the nine-film cycle that George Lucas originally envisaged). I loved the nods at the end of this film, to the beginnings of the whole thing (episode IV) and of our seeing Rey in Episode VII.

I almost didn't loathe Kylo/Ben at the end. xP

Later in the afternoon we took the kids to a playground nearby my parents' apartment. As we were leaving I heard tui in the trees, wandered over with my camera, and found myself most pleased:

Birdr; Flickr.

SMC Pentax-DA 50-200
Pentax KP

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