Happy New Year

What better to celebrate the new year than with a shot of this year’s ‘Country Eye’ calendar.  Sadly I don’t think we will get much past February as the nail is full.
Ian has given us a calendar since he first started to do them (I do the website), and since 2015 I have been to lazy to throw the old ones out . . .
Of course this is the start of the last year in the decade, NOT the first day of the next!  This rubbish started at the new millennium, compliments of governments wanting to celebrate a year early to take peoples minds of the state of the world economy, and the general ignorance of those that kicked it all off.
Calendars start at day one, month one, year one.  There are NO zeroes.  Perhaps the general population were confused as we tend to measure the age of our children in months until they are one year old, then years (and months).  I believe some societies refer to a person’s age as being in their first year etc.  Someone in their 20th year is 19 years old to our way of looking at it.
Rant over for another decade  ( unless I have another go for the start of the next decade of course . . . )

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