Happy New Year...

..to one and all, I hope the hangovers weren’t too severe! A very quiet night was had here.

It was forecast a very grey day today and when I raised my head off the pillow the first time that’s what I saw...about half an hour after sunrise there were some pretty colours which I captured through the bedroom window with the phone (extra). We were treated to a lovely afternoon which was a welcome surprise.

My resolution for this year is to get out to different places to do more photography so with this in mind I headed off into town to see the loonies dooking!! I believe the water was exceedingly cold but at least the sun did pop out and shine on those taking part (extra). I then took a circuitous walk around the harbour before heading to the parish church near where I was parked. The low sun bursting on the glass was my favourite pic of the day. I drove round by Belhaven Bay and had a quick wander at the Bridge to Nowhere before heading home and putting my feet up!!

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday.

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