
The glad tidings are that this is the last week you have to suffer me as host for Tiny Tuesday this decade!! KangaZu takes the helm next week.

I’d hoped we’d have a colourful sunrise this morning so set the alarm accordingly...a glance out of the window revealed no hint of colour so I turned over and had another hour or so’s much needed sleep! Once up I built a couple of tables for the sitting room; set up the bird feeder with some newly arrived foodstuffs and had a wander round the garden with my camera. Lots of new life in evidence with buds on many of the trees and shrubs. This shot of the frost on the lawn won the day though. Once back indoors I tackled the ironing basket into submission!!

As the sunsets one final time (extra) in this decade I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all good health and happiness in the next...and “lang may yer lum reek”.

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