By lizzie_birkett

Last of the (Christmas) Summer Beer

I'm getting my Blip done before part 3 of Dracula starts. It's a bit scary:-0.

I was up during last night because I had a migraine, so I took one of my pills, had a cup o' tea and some digestives and lay on the couch. Frank came through and joined me then went back to bed. I read my book for a while and eventually dozed off.

After a migraine I always feel really washed out so I didn't do much in the morning but after lunch I walked into Skipton along the canal to pick up the hair dye I ordered at Holland and Barrett (waterways friendly). The walk did me good and it was nice and sunny - a flock of seagulls came swooping along the canal but I only managed to blip a couple.

I had a wander round town. Bought Frank some vegan choccy - he's doing dry January so no beer for him, choccy is the next best thing.

I went into the craft dept at Boyes to look for a sewing box for on the boat but although they looked nice they were very cheaply made and bad quality. I did see some nice dress fabrics though (Eunice!)

It was getting dark on the way back but I could still see well enough. There was a lot of rubbish on the tow path beneath some flats and a white carrier bag too. I used the bag to collect the litter and filled it to bursting then had to carry it all the way back to the farmyard bins at the mooring. Further back I'd blipped the new bins in Skipton which are really good but they need more of them!

I passed the swans just coming out of the water, they were busy preening themselves. They know me know and don't bat an eyelid when I brush past them on the narrow path. I love them, they are such characters. In the evenings we hear them nibbling weed off the side of the boat - and right on cue I can hear them now! 

When I got home we had leftover curry for tea then me and Bella had a shower - not together! Me first then much to her disgust she was dragged in. She smells a lot nicer now and is happy that she's clean; she just hates actually going in the shower.

Now I'm in me jammies drinking the last bottle of fruity beer Frank got me for Christmas and we shared the last Vego praline choccies - they are the best yet!

Dracula now! ]:-€

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