Meader; 1 frame at a time

By jasonmeader

Into The Unknown

Currently I feel as though I am a rudderless vessel, simply drifting along with the wind and currents. I sense no destination, and that is okay with me for the time being. My roots have been unearthed and are in search of something new and different - a new flavor of soil they seek. It is a strange feeling to be honest, to be rudderless and trusting of life's tides and drifts.

When I was younger, I always had an inkling as to what was around the corner for me. This has since changed. Perhaps it is for the better, perhaps it will yield some much needed insight and lessons to further shape my soul and future, and perhaps it too will help me overcome some insecurities that have been embedded into my soul through my circumstances of yesteryear. Uncertainty consumes me...

Life has always been, and always will be, full of uncertainty, yeah? I guess it could easily be said that the only thing certain in life is that it is always unpredictable and as such, nothing is certain. I'm nervous, and even a wee bit fearful, of what is around that corner up ahead. To deny it would be nothing short of a lie; however, despite the natural uncertainties, fear, and nervousness, I am also excited and anxious to see where these drifts of life take me. I am confident that the newly awaiting harbor will yield new growth, experiences, challenges, lessons, and friendships; all of which I welcome with open arms and a large friendly smile.

As I've done in the past, I will continue my forward progression and momentum through this life. With one foot in front of the other and with my camera in hand, ever on I go, into the unknown...

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