My Shrine Next Door

Around New Year, Shinto shrines do several special things which can be seen in this photograph. A pair of kadomatsu are placed at the entrance to the shrine to welcome the kami, or gods. The kadomatsu in this photograph contains bamboo, which represents prosperity. Kadomatsu can also contain pine, which represents longevity, or plum tree sprigs which represent steadfastness.

The strips of paper tied to the tree are omikuji. These omikuji tell you fortune for the year. It is traditional to visit a shrine at New Year and buy an omikuji. If the omikuji foretells a bad fortune, then it is tied to a tree or a wooden frame.

The straw circle in front of the main altar is usually set up at New Year. Before praying at the altar, visitors walk through the circle in a figure of eight. This is supposed to bring good luck.

In this photo, elderly residents from the neighbourhood can be seen visiting the shrine.

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