
who wasn't going to get off the settee to have her jumper on so I just put it over her head and she just sat there and stared at me for ages until I had my coat and boots on then with a little persuasion got down so I could put it on properly and go for a walk. I sometimes wonder why I bother. Dogs are worse than kids.

Had a quiet day today after yesterdays shopping spree. 

We keep getting a "murmuration" of starlings flying over in an evening they start of with a small flock of them then seem to fly round and keep gathering more and more until there must be hundreds of them, we don't get the aerial display we just get the flock ever increasing in size then they just disappear. I think they go down to the Ings at Fairburn or St Aidans and nest in the reed beds. It's quite fascinating to see so many.

I remember being on holiday once at Hunstanton in Norfolk, it's on the Wash and one night we stood for about an hour watching wave after wave of different birds all heading out towards the sea there must have been literally millions of them, it was early September so whether it was migration I don't know but it was certainly spectacular.

Its been a bit milder today.

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