Ghost of Triathlons Past

Every year at this time we have The Wanaka Challenge, a Triathlon event that the whole town participates in from the hundreds of volunteers' that help run the event to the dozens of towns folk that get disgruntled by the street closures, detours and thousands of red cones that make normal days very difficult.
The Bossess gave firm instructions at breakfast (theirs not mine) and The boss was in the Supermarket at 8.30 long before the operation would more difficult and parking or access impossible.
Wanaka only has 2 streets that run through the town and with one of them diverted via a compulsory stop which fed into the other The Boss was only a little surprised to encounter grid lock at 9.00am as he left the supermarket. I was really totally disinterested in all this 'Cos I know there is a big bag of MY GRUB sitting conveniently out of my reach in the garage and I was going to be alright no matter what. Waay to go!
Disaster almost struck when The Bossess remembered she had a hair appointment. Well us girls do find this sort of stuff VERY important so she decided to walk which included ME and The Boss and cameras of course.
So after leaving The Bossess at hair heaven we returned and took pics of bikes, more bikes, even more bikes with people riding them, Bikes rounding sharp corners with out of focus people riding them, (forgot to change to continuous focus) people sitting under trees, and this (with the iPhone) and what gets chosen?
Look above for the answer.
Oh. The Bossess had to walk back too and her hair was lovely by the way.
The tent is the main structure for the event. AND the picture is SOOIP (straight out of iPhone).
We are going back tomorrow morning to see the start of the main event shortly after the sparrows deal with their flatulence and every man and his dog plus a lot of women will be there. OH. Yes and there is a portable coffee stand...You just knew this didn't you?

Check for Athletes Foot

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