
Thursday is Haircut day...No not ME... The Boss.
He has a senior citizens discount job at the local barbers which involves Pete the Barber running a No 4 across his head and discussing the latest toys. This is followed by the local Dig group coffee morning which was full of drama this morning as G accidentally drank D's soy flat white and poor D had to wait ages for it to be replaced. I got all this second hand after The Boss returned and I must confess that I wouldn't really care if another dog drank my water..Well some have...'Cos there is plenty more where that came from. Coffee seems to be different and often creates problems especially if The Bossess doesn't get it when required.
Ohhh Ugly

Now where was I...
Oh yes The weather went off about mid morning and the rain has been hovering since.
But we never saw the storm that raine and others had further north.
Sometimes the lighting can be very dramatic in these conditions but you need to be there and good to go 'Cos things happen fast and the moment can be easily lost and The Boss and I will come home with a wet bottom and no pic.
Ohhh. Very ugly.

Ride your bike into the lake.

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