And the Rains Came

The rain wasn’t taking prisoners this morning as I sallied forth into the mid winter gloom looking like Nanouk of the north in my protective rainwear. It was only much later when I wondered why my left foot felt so cold that I realised the sole of my boot was cracked and letting in water.

Apart from that, the trick to keeping no wetter than rain drop wet was to judge the position of the huge puddles relative to the oncoming traffic lest I got a tsunami of water thrown over me as the vehicles passed.

I haven’t seen so much surface water lying on roads in this area before, and it looked like it could get worse, but with the fickleness of nature, it is sunny this afternoon with patches of blue sky.
I’ve dried off, my boot and sock are drying , I am wearing a down jacket and my feet are resting on a hot water bottle. The delights of a Scottish winter never fail to impress .

The protagonists involved in the TGIF drinkies in the Marriott are otherwise engaged tomorrow so have brought the meeting forward to this afternoon to coincide with someone’s birthday.
I fear thIs will muddle with my head regarding what day I feel tomorrow should be. It might appear to make a long weekend.

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