snap.snap. // curious cat

By kiyala

The collective

They all reached out as far as they could into the open, spreading, straining and reaching some more.
But none of them truly wanted to find anything on the other side. They were comfortable here, with the reassuring presence of their companions. They reached as far as they could with hopes of failure. With the knowledge that succeeding in spreading as they tried to meant losing the company they had become so used to. They would have to travel wherever the wind carried them before finding some place to settle and slowly begin to grow. Perhaps not all of them would survive, but they tried not to think of that.
But they all knew that as time passed, they would leave each other. Settle in a new place and the cycle would then repeat itself. They were smart enough to enjoy the time they had together for now, knowing that even if they parted ways, perhaps somewhere down the line, they would pass each other on the breeze once again.
In the end, collective or single, they were family.

Would have gotten a better shot if I could, but I was thwarted by clouds, rain and ringing telephones. I'll have to try again next time.

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