snap.snap. // curious cat

By kiyala

Necessary layers

Why do roses have so many layers?, she wondered, looking down at the one she held in her hands. Why did the flowers' petals overlap each other? Wouldn't it look more beautiful if it were open to see inside?

"You are beautiful," she had been told numerous times by numerous people. Some when she dressed elegantly. Others when she was relaxed and didn't care what the world thought of her. Each one for their own reason. As though she had several different sides to her. Different masks; different aspects to her beauty. Layers.

She looked down at her rose. Petal over petal over petal over petal. Layers.
She smiled, finally understanding

Urgh, not entirely happy with the prose. I really like the photo and wish I could have written something to do it proper justice, but it's late, I'm tired and I already lost the first version I typed of this into the description box. So this shall have to do.

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