
By tufty

What goes on behind closed doors!

So, narrow double doors. On Váci utca. We've walked (well, scurried really as this is part of the street where you're regularly attacked by barely sentient "English"-speaking young persons employed to try and encourage you to partake of a coffee or a meal in any number of foul, crap tourist-trap restaurants of cafés within spitting distance) past this doorway millions of times with no evidence ever witnessed of the doors ever having been opened! Until today, that it; walking up the street we saw a bob-cat mini-digger-thingy poke its jaws out of the doors and deposit a load of hard-core into a skip. Intrigued, we had a look in and...there was nothing to see...behind the scenes, the interior of the building has been razed to the ground. Presumably, they're repeating what has been done elsewhere in the street - keep the facade, gut the building and rebuild the insides. Pity the poor bugger who drew the short straw and is hanging from a rope attached to the roof of the adjacent building, knocking down a chimney stack with a mason's hammer and nothing else...just as the snow and sleet starts to take a proper hold!

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