If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

Knowing I would be out all afternoon I was trying to take bird in flight shots, then the squirrel turned up and posed.  How could I resist.

The afternoon was spent at the Penrith Support group of Cumbria Wildlife Trust.  The talk was by the Lady who has created the "Lost Words Garden" at the Northern Office of the Cumbria Trust.  The story of the garden was very interesting.

The concept of the Lost Words is much more concerning.  There is a book called  "The Lost Words: A Spell Book.  First I had better explain what the Lost Words are.  The lost words are words which have been withdrawn from a Children's Dictionary (Oxford I think),  These are words connected with nature such as:


They have been replaced by words to do with social media and technology.  Clearly this further disassociates children from the natural world and there is a growing movement trying to "spread the words".  The garden is a wildlife garden and has associations with many of the words.
Otter etc.

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