Hanging On

There's not much left in our garden that qualifies as a flower, but I did like the color in the last of the leaves on the sango Kaku maple. I love this tree. Even when the last leaf falls off the bark is a beautiful coral red.

I felt well enough to go to class this morning. Sometimes I think I get energy from the class to proceed with the rest of the day. I wasn't a happy camper when I couldn't even summon the energy to go to the class. I definitely feel better today, and am grateful for that because Matt and the girls will be here tomorrow for a quick visit.(I even had enough energy to go out after coffee and get him a belated birthday present.

Having a birthday less than a week after the New Year has got to be the worst. Everybody is over partying or celebrating anything, the stores are full of shopworn, pawed over and returned merchandise and it is difficult to come up with any kind of inspiration. 

It wasn't supposed to be that way...he was supposed to be born on February 5th, but that was not to be. He had other ideas. After he was born and whipped off to the nursery, John had gone home to rescue the friend who had been drafted to look after Dana and had no idea what he was doing, and  I was about to get some sleep when I was informed that my newborn had been whisked off by ambulance to Children's Hospital for treatment of pneumonia due to inhaled amniotic fluid. It was not a moment I'm likely to forget. I had to call John who followed the ambulance to the hospital while I waited in my own hospital bed for news.  Fortunately with good care Matt recovered completely and we were able to bring him home after a week.

So it might be fair to say that this little celebration is more a celebration of that date. Perhaps we should make it official...

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