Prisoner 24601

By Alfin

The Stag

6m high sculpture, designed by Andy Scott (of Kelpies fame). Located at Lomondgate Business Park in Dumbarton. Andy also designed the Arria sculpture in Cumbernauld.

The Stag is said to be a symbol of regeneration. Goodness only knows Dumbarton can do with some of that!

I’ve blipped this before and because the weather today was so much better than yesterday it was an opportunity for a walk and we headed towards the  area where the sculpture is located. Plus it was an opportunity try the much heralded camera on the iPhone 11.

I literally took dozens of images; settled on this one as it is slightly different in that it’s shot using the wide angle facility on the phone; I wanted to capture the sun trying to give it a silhouette.

The drivers passing me by must have thought I was daft.

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