Battling jet lag

I landed in Abu Dhabi at 5.30am. The flight was fine. The Captain wished us Happy New Year and I had two seats to myself. Luxury!

Scrolling through Facebook reading news of the fires. My country is burning, my brain tells me. I feel so sad. It’s catastrophic, literally, the extent of the devastation. A post caught my eye, tragically a friend/former colleague and her husband and two young children were killed in a car accident just outside Alex in Egypt. I know that was one of her worst fears. I sat there and sobbed while waiting for my flight to Q8, reading the tributes. So surreal, so sad, so unfair. So typical of the place.. a friend had tried to warn me but I deferred reading WhatsApp, news of the fires was my priority. She’d reached many through her training and managing. I feel for her family in NZ.

Once I got home, I showered, unpacked, got a coffee and went walking. I needed sunshine and distractions. I spent most of the day out. And saw geese in the car park near the beach. I've not seem them before. 

And I’m working tomorrow, at 9am. I want to sleep well.

What a return, with heavy heart.

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