Afternoon ......

...... Sky!
"A" and I went for a muddy walk this afternoon , used tri walker but difficult not getting stuck in the mud! Then we popped into the Garden Centre for a cuppa , a 90th birthday card and a pretty scarf. Before we had a cuppa I took the photo of the sky ( 2.45pm) then on our return took a further one ( 4.05pm) a better view would have made clearer blip.
This morning we had a lovely service , (Baptism of Christ ) this service provided the vicar with a chance to spray water over the congregation , and involve the children too . ( who were delighted to go up and down the isle spraying water everywhere!)
The vicar gave us good news for her but not so for the church as she is moving on south with a promotion. I wish her and the family well , we shall miss her very much.
Today has been dry and rather a cold wind , which according to the forecast is going to get worse next week.
Happy Sunday evening all.

Grateful ..... to be able to walk a little this pm

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