Winery Vineyard

We live in a neighborhood with farmland to the North of it. Part of this farmland has been approved for Urban sometime in the future..... houses will be built and we will have another neighborhood close by and more traffic, but hopefully there will still be lots of farmland. Eventually, "they" might expand the Urban Growth Boundary even future into the open spaces.  That will be a sad day.

 While taking a Sunday drive in the country we  pasted a beautiful place that advertised, "Wine Tasting", no, we didn't stop. There are quite a few of these delightful places popping up around Oregon. Farmers have established several wineries around the state and I understand that the wine is quite good. We stopped along side the road when we saw a Kestrel on a fence post.....he flew to a new post in the looked like this field was newly planted; you can see the single or double canes growing between the posts. I wonder if there will be grapes produced here this year.  I liked this photo because I can see the line of posts and wire.....with blurred forest in the background. The kestrel is not all that clear....oh well, it is more about the story than the sharp photo of the bird today. 

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