Awaiting Brendan

It’s a dark depressing Monday and I’m conscious that we are battening down the hatches as we wait with bated breath the arrival of Brendan and his storm entourage. Before he knocked on the door I managed a visit to Bruntsfield to catch up with two people I met last year at the Marie Curie Hospice. Considering our circumstances we had quite a jolly coffee together. Life goes on for us, widows and widowers alike, however much we resist.

Just after lunch I had a phone call from a friend I have never seen for 70 years ever since I changed schools. We are meeting up next week. I am excited at seeing how life has been for her. One door closes while another one opens.

I struggled for a blip today but thought I might give my white narcissi their photo opportunity. They were a birthday present from a friend back in November but have been blooming since Hogmanay in the big basket they were planted in. It was a very thoughtful present and has given me much pleasure.

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