A new day dawns....

By Nicdawncav

A memory of Bodrum

A long day at work today, 7.30 am to 6.20 pm with one half hour break (the reality of teaching!) but fulfilling nonetheless. I had left my son a list of jobs today as he isn’t at college on a Monday and it was lovely to come home to him having done as I’d asked.

This week I have decided to blip items around my house that mean something to me. This small painting is one of the few possessions that I brought back to the UK when I left Bodrum in 2017. It was painted by a local artist and represents the Bodrum houses. I’m missing my old life at the moment, probably because my husband is there and I’m not!

Today I’m grateful for my lovely son Ali who has barely given me an ounce of stress in his soon to be eighteen years.

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