
I don't think so.
Having come home from work early yesterday and maintained my painkiller levels during the evening, I slept for the 3rd night in succession. I woke around 11am, only because the painkillers had worn off. When I did manage to shift myself out of bed without crying, I was surprised to see that it was snowing quite heavily where we live and there was a couple of inches covering.

I took more painkillers and returned to the sofa and to crap telly. Really, there is so much rubbish on, but I couldn't concentrate on reading, or knitting, as my eyes were behaving as though I was drunk. You know that funny feeling you get when you have to work really hard to focus and your eyes feel like they are wandering off in different directions, independently of each other and of any signalss that your brain is sending to them. So reading was impossible. Knitting potentially could have been disastrous.

Nana phoned, very concerned, and we had an hour chatting about all sorts on the phone. Was lovely.

James came home around 3.40 and then he 'took me out for a walk' about half an hour or so later. I had cabin fever. After only a day. Doesn't bode well. Anyway, I managed to walk about 300 yards from our house, took some photos for 5 minutes, then walked back. It was too much and the slippy surfaces and my unbalanced state were not a good combination. Clearly, I was an idiot for thinking I might manage a walk.

Soon to top up, so soon to sleep again I think. I am at the peak of my pain, I know that it is acute at the moment but that it will subside to the normal levels of chronic pain - essentially similar to the early stages of labour, whereas right now, even with the pain relief, it is like the end stages. I am wondering if I can get Entenox for at home - a nice supply of gas and air would be really helpful right now.

Fortunately, I don't have to escort James to Manchester tomorrow - that has been delayed for a week, as he is planning to go out sledging with his friends tomorrow. I somehow have to manage to concentrate on marking 2 class sets of exercise books seeing as I have reached the limit of our two week turnaround. Booooooo.

Hope all is well and that the real snowmageddon doesn't materialise, unless of course you want it too. If thats the case, may the Snow Gods dump their load on you without restriction!

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