All I wanted

was a nice portrait of the two of us.

Corin let me take a couple of shots, then said "Don't move anything" and disappeared into the kitchen. He returned with sellotape and a mirror and executed a "League of Gentlemen" makeover.

This is what happens kids, when you go out for the night to your friend's house for a sleepover. Mummy and Daddy behave like utter idiots.

Might be something to do with the fact that Corin took me out for tea and that involved two hot chocolates loaded with brandy. It was worth going out, so he told me, because it meant the cooker and oven stayed clean - yes, that is what Corin has done this afternoon whilst I was marking books. Bless him, he is very good.

Rough night last night, even with the painkillers, but I think it has peaked now, so I have returned to chronic pain. I can cope with that so I can get back to work on Monday. It's a strange feeling though, knowing that really I only have 3 weeks left. It feels like I am building up to leaving, which I am not - they don't get rid of me that easily. But knowing that I am going to be away for an extended period of time is causing me to behave like I did ten years ago when I left my last school - frantically trying to get my house in order, paperwork done, everything up to date and ready for someone to step into my teeny size 4 shoes for a few months. I confess that I have some issues with this! Probably because of my control freak tendencies.

Anyway, time for the sofa with my slightly bonkers husband who I wouldn't trade for anything or anyone, not even Professor Brian Cox. Because I bet he wouldn't clean the oven without being asked to!

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