Living Room

Finally removed Krismas tree and the decorations and the lights. Back to dull for the rest of the year.

I'm in two minds about having a real tree as a Krismas tree. It's the way, smells nice. But ultimately seems like an unnecessary sacrifice of one of our woody bredrin.

I sound like my sister/brother here. Thing is, I agree.

But, I want things to be real. I want my kids to experience life as it is not as some moralised, idealised, depressing narrative of exploitation, abuse & betrayal.

Make sense? Probably not.

And to those who do get what I'm on about; it's not an attack, it's just the way I see shit.

Anyhoo, the big bit of wood in the background is currently keeping Postie cozy!

So, something good came of it.

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