
By dunkyc


It's freezing cold and chills you to the bone. That's right it's Kendal's very own K-Village.

Anyone who's spent more than five minutes in my company knows that I loathe the place with a passion. For me, it is the very literal definition of a "waste of space".

It makes me angry when I think of everything that could've been done with that plot of land - right on the river for f....goodness sake - and we ended up with some cold, vapid monstrosity that no one wants to visit.

However, The Carmenator needed a winter coat and I'd been informed that there were bargains to be had (can't think why) and never being one who fails to profit from another's misfortune, so it was that we found ourselves there.

Jacket sorted, I wanted to document the fact I'd been there with a shot of the empty car park, but this metallic structure overhead caught my eye and I'm a sucker for perspective in an image!

Anyway, in summation: knock it all down and start again, but this time employ an architect who doesn't use crayon to draw their plans.

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